The Musician’s Guide to Using Facebook Groups for Promotion

The Musician’s Guide to Using Facebook Groups for Promotion

It’s no surprise everyone is on social media these days. We all use social media to stay up to date on the latest news, keep up with the latest updates from friends and family, and to follow trending topics.  As a professional musician, if you are not using social media to promote yourself as an artist, you are missing out on a wealth of cheap publicity. Musicians should have active accounts on at least one of the following networks:

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

However, having accounts on all three of these networks is better yet, and ensures that you are reaching and engaging as many people as you can.

While we at Mirada Media are here to help you successfully promote yourself, we must emphasize one critical tactic to include in your social media strategy. That essential tactic is the utilization of Facebook Groups. You might be familiar with Facebook groups, and you might even already be in some groups. If so, give yourself a high-five. These groups are an excellent way for people to come together to build an online community based on similar interests. As a host of a Facebook group dedicated to your brand, building the membership in that group grows an active and engaged audience for your music.

Why are groups important?

Facebook groups are valuable for many reasons, but most importantly, they allow you to reach your target audience (for free!) Sure, you can pay for advertisements, but joining Facebook groups is the most cost-effective way to grow and extend your audience.

The reason why groups are so powerful for reaching your target audience is that they are all based on interest. That’s an interest in YOUR MUSIC! Did you know that there are more than 10 million Facebook groups out there? With all of the different groups out there, you are bound to find a group that you can connect with.

Now that we have your interest in the incredible potential for exposure, let’s talk about how to maximize your use of this powerful tool.

Tips to Enhance Your Success with Facebook Groups

Whether you have used Facebook Groups to promote your music or for your own personal use, here are some tips for you to utilize this platform to enhance your exposure and ultimate success.

Tip 1: Join relevant groups

The best thing about Facebook groups is that they are free! You can join as many groups as you want, without cost. Essentially, it’s giving you more platforms to share your music. You should join more than one group (we recommend 5-10 groups) but don’t join just for the sake of doing so. You should participate in groups that are relative to your music, active, and receiving an excellent rate of engagement.

Location is also essential to your group membership. You should always join at least one group that is relative to your local community or the nearest music pulse. You want to gain attention in these groups to drive interest and attendance for your next performance.

Once you join a group that is local to your area, you next join groups specific to your genre of music or for new musicians. This membership starts spreading your music outside of your community, going across the nation to other members’ friends and family.

Pro Tip: Be sure to answer any questions required to join the group and read the rules so that you don’t run into any problems with the content you post. For instance, many groups do not allow advertising or sales posts.

Tip 3: Engage in conversation

Part of the maintenance of Facebook groups is to engage in discussions as you see where you can contribute. If someone comments on your posts, you should never miss an opportunity to respond and personalize your connection with those in the group. In your discussion, take advantage of the perfect moment to mention your stage name and your own page or website for some cross-promotion.

Tip 4: Post consistent, high-quality content

To be the most effective, Facebook groups require maintenance. In other words, if you want to see the best results, use these groups to grow your audience. You can do that by making personal connections and sharing content. Joining a Facebook group does not mean that people will magically discover your page. It takes some finesse, but we’re confident that you will catch on quickly.

Whenever you post content to the group, try to share images or videos because something catches people’s eyes the most and does the best at breaking through Facebook’s algorithms to appear in feeds.

You do not have to post in groups every day, but for the best results, you should at least be posting once a week. With any luck, you enjoy participating in the group with like-minded people sharing the same passion.

Tip 5: Treat Group Members Like Family

When people chat with friends and family via friends and family, they typically talk daily, updating each other on the latest details of their life. Facebook groups are no different when it comes to how you interact in the latest trending topics with group members. Your Facebook group is there to provide you with input, advice and talk to you about their ideas.

Rather than thinking of this Facebook Group as a way to help your career, think of it as any other form of communication you use to chat with friends and family. By doing so, the group members will get the most out of the group, and you will help to build the community your fans are seeking. 

Tip 6: Create your own group

In addition to joining groups, creating your own can be a great idea! With your own group, you can invite friends and family, and then they can add their friends and family if they can think of anyone that would be interested in your group page. You might also find that you have made acquaintances through other Facebook groups, and you can invite them to this group of yours as well. This group can be whatever you want it to be! We recommend creating your group for people who are interested in your latest news and updates. It’s also a great place to encourage members to share thoughts and pictures they caught at your most recent performance!

Part of the bigger marketing picture

Facebook groups can attract a ton of traffic and visitors to your Facebook page and your website. These groups are an excellent tool to break through Facebook’s algorithms in a way that business pages struggle to accomplish. If you aren’t active in any social media groups, don’t wait another minute!

Facebook Groups are an excellent promotional tool, so be sure to take advantage of them completely. If you find yourself quickly becoming a social media guru, you could use some opportunities to maximize your time and effort. Turn to Mirada Media to help streamline your other promotional processes such as music cataloging, management, and OneSheet Creation. Promoters and other music professionals participate in these groups, seeking out new talent like you. You want to be ready when they reach out, so have your materials at the ready when their inquiry arrives. Mirada Media will have you organized and prepared.