8 Things Every Musician Needs to Know About Twitter

8 Things Every Musician Needs to Know About Twitter

During our present times, social media has become such a prominent part of our daily lives, and it literally has the power to make or break a musician’s career. One of the most significant benefits of social media is that it allows musicians to market themselves.

By utilizing the Twitter platform, musicians like you can direct more traffic to your website, increase your brand awareness, engage your audience, and create personal relationships with your fans. When optimized strategically, Twitter can significantly boost brand awareness and prove to be an essential tool in helping to build a larger fan base. Raise our hand if you want a larger fan base right now!

Here are some of the things you need to know to make the most out of Twitter:

  1. Focus on branding

Have you ever seen a commercial on TV, and before the name even came up, you already knew what the ad was for? For instance, you see a commercial with a Big Mac and fries, and you instantly knew it is a commercial for McDonald's, right? This recognition occurs because brands like McDonald’s keep their content so consistent that most people recognize those details like the colors, tone of voice used, products, etc., Branding is so crucial for not only businesses but also a vital tool for musicians who are trying to build a following.

Branding requires you to keep all things consistent on social media. If you have Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you will want to remain consistent with your content. Keep the same logo, profile picture, and biography. If you have a color scheme, create a flow of consistency with that, too. All posts should be similar when it comes to the design and type of content that you post. This creates a sense of familiarity with your followers.

2. Create Twitter lists

Twitter lists are a helpful tool and available to anyone with a twitter account. A twitter list is a curated group of twitter users that you choose to follow based on interest. For instance, you can segment your lists into groups and one of these groups can be musicians. With a musician's twitter list, you can follow their posts, interactions and content. Not only is this great because you can see what others in the industry are doing but you can observe the users that interact with their post and start a conversation in an attempt to get them to your page. Take some time to observe how other artists achieve a smooth transition to talking about themselves. Take notes and try it for yourself.

Twitter lists can also assist with retweets. If you find that there are quite a few people who retweet you, add these users to a group. Chances are, those who continue to share your posts are likely to share similar thoughts and ideas as you. By continuing to follow them and engage with their content, they will do the same and share your posts. This exchange helps to build a loyal fan base.

3. Host a Twitter chat

The greatest thing about social media is for the first time, you can easily engage with your audience. Social media channels like Twitter are continually coming up with new and improved ways for you to interact. Twitter chats are a terrific way to engage your followers and discuss topics to build a sense of community. You can use Twitter chats to ask your fans what they want to see from you in the future or ask their input on something that you are working on.  Twitter chats are an outside-the-box way to get fans talking about you and your music and encourages a more personal experience.

4. Use hashtags

Hashtags are a way to brand your tweets and gain visibility. Hashtags categorize messages and make it easier for other Twitter users to search for tweets. Once you build a following, utilize hashtags as an additional way to develop and nurture your audience.

5. Be active during peak hours

There are more analytical programs out there like Sprout Social that collect data to learn when social network users are the most active. This article by Sprout Social explains the various benefits of posting during peak hours. For example, by posting during peak hours, you increase the chances of your audience seeing your posts. This practice leads to higher visibility, engagement rates, and more retweeted posts to continue expanding your exposure on Twitter.

6. Share a variety of content

As a musician, you want a venue to share your finished work. After all, that’s what its all about, right? On the other hand, some of the most successful Twitter posts that see the highest engagement rates are those that show what goes on behind the scenes. Use Twitter to get an understanding of what your audience wants to see. Host polls where you ask your followers what kind of songs they want to hear. This engagement is a great avenue to contribute to your success.

7. Utilize multimedia

Isn’t it amazing to believe only a few years ago, we relied on television and the radio to share our music? It used to cost artists a pretty penny to share their music with their audience. Everything was a significant production. Thanks to social media, we can share every new song! Posts that include some visuals are the most successful on twitter. Video clips are well-received, as are images. Since these types of posts are so powerful with great potential to be successful, it's essential to do them the right way. These images and videos should be of high quality with the photos presenting clearly. Videos should be audibly clear.

8. Be consistent

Having a Twitter page that has inconsistent posts here and there is never enough. You can’t be extremely active one day and then go mute for several days. When it comes to activity on social media, users quickly scroll through their newsfeed and then close the app. Sparse postings risk being skipped in their scrolling. If you don’t have the time to post consistently, consider finding help to help with posting content. At Mirada Media, we have the skills you need to make creative, consistent twitter posts!

Get their attention with the help of Mirada Media

These eight tips will help you to build a successful Twitter page and enhance your exposure and ultimate success. At Mirada Media, we want to help you get the attention your music deserves by engaging and growing your fan base. Contact us today and let’s talk about how Mirada Media’s marketing tools are what you need to increase your exposure and get your media organized for that big break.