The Ultimate Guide to Creating an EPK

Do you want to be taken seriously by the music industry? If the answer is yes, (and we hope it is), you need an EPK or an electronic press kit. Think of it as a digital resume. It’s a must-have for music acts looking to snag the attention of those in music promotion.


In this blog, we’ll break down how to create and send out an EPK, and the material needed to build a one-sheet. Read on to learn more!



Why Should You Create an EPK?

Talent scouts want to be able to see your whole story at a glance. Some of them won’t waste time looking at websites or email attachments. Before you get started, the best practice is to check out the submission requirements. This is why EPKs tend to make the perfect format. Their ultimate goal is to make your brand stand out, and this is the first step.


We know that not everyone has the design talent, so if you need help, we suggest using an EPK tool like the ones designed by Mirada Media. Our templates are as simple as dragging and dropping your information into each slot, no design skills required.


An EPK is comprised of multiple pieces such as media, contact information, social media, a gig calendar, and an artist one-sheet. All of them work together to paint a picture that best represents your group and your sound:



Sometimes you have to show, not tell people what you’re all about. That’s where media comes in. When used in an EPK, it helps paint a well-rounded picture of you and what you bring to the table. This section of your EPK can feature:


Embedded videos: Recordings of performances or music videos that you have uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo.


File download links: Details like stage plots and riders are stored here.


Music player: Allows reps to listen to your music whenever they please. Make sure it’s easy to access and playable within the EPK.



Contact Information

Imagine a booker has a music act drop out last minute and needs a replacement. Having your contact info available can be the difference between getting a call or getting passed over.


Social Media

Some reps like to look at your social media pages to better understand who you are and how big of a following you have. If you haven’t created an artist’s page, we recommend making one. No rep should have access to your personal life.


Artist One-Sheet

An artist one-sheet is a filtered overview of you, or your band squeezed onto one sheet of paper. Hence the name one-sheet. It filters the essential information found throughout your EPK. It’s a practice used for 50-plus years, minus the electronic aspect of press kits, which only began a few years back. Artist one-sheets also make communicating with your audience, bonding with your fans, sharing your music, videos, and news a breeze.

Think of it as an elevator pitch for your business. Naturally, you want to showcase the most important things and highlight the things that will get your foot in the door. How do you give them the essentials? Here’s our checklist for things you need to include in a one-sheet:


Short Bio

It’s always necessary to have a strong beginning, and yours is creating a short bio about you or your band. Be sure to include details about what sets your band apart. If you’ve got a fascinating origin story, tell it! Do you have something that other bands don’t? Shout it from the rooftops! Just avoid incorporating overused phrases like, “our band is like no other.” Every act thinks they’re like no other.


Professional Photo

Sometimes a picture can tell you everything you need to know about something or someone. Include hi-resolution shots of you or the band, and be sure to feature some variety. That includes live performance images, candid shots, and professional band photos.


Upcoming Releases

Do you have a new single, EP, or album to promote? If so, include details about your latest project, such as its title, cover art, and where they can stream it. You can also include a behind the scenes snippet of the inspiration behind the music. If you haven’t released any new music recently or don’t have anything lined up, don’t sweat it. Include a previous release or two that’s received praise.



Let people know when they can catch you live. Labels are looking for the whole package, someone who sounds good on a track and captivate a crowd. Be sure to include a list of 4 of your next show dates to give them multiple chances to catch you or your band on stage.


Selling Points

Every music act has a selling point. You must identify and highlight yours in your one-sheet. Establish yourself as a credible artist. What are your accomplishments? Here are a few examples of bragging rights that you can include in your one-sheet:


  • Recording with a chart-topping artist

  • Had a song played on a radio station

  • Sold out a show

  • Have a strong social media following



How to Send Out an EPK

Once you’ve gotten your EPK to your liking, it’s time to send it to target audiences. EPKs are primarily sent to potential venues, bloggers, booking agents, labels, and managers. The best way to send out an EPK is with a cover email and a serious application. You only get one chance to make a strong impression.


One thing people tend to forget is to keep their EPK current. As you make more waves and accomplish more things as a musician, update your EPK to match. A good rule of thumb is that every time you get ready to send out your EPK, revise it, and make sure it always features your best work and most up to date accomplishments.


Tip: Not everyone is going to be open to the idea of an electronic press kit. Sometimes people prefer a hard copy of your resume, so make sure you design your EPK so it’s user-friendly, and still looks just as eye-catching when printed out.



Protect Your EPK

This wouldn’t be an ultimate guide without letting you know how to protect your EPK. It’s one of the crucial things you should do as a musician besides creating an EPK. After you’ve completed your EPK and one-sheet, the last step is to protect it. After all, you don’t want your hard work falling into the wrongs. Thankfully, Mirada Media can help out with that.

The result of a recent partnership with Sertainty, Mirada’s SecureMedia software, brings peace of mind to the entertainment industry. What that means is there’s no more pre-release album leaks, your documents, and other sensitive information.



Mirada Media: Taking Your Music to the Next Level

Ready to take your music to the next level and create an EPK, but don’t know how? Mirada Media is here to the rescue. Using our one-sheet creator, you can make an EPK that’s organized, stunning, and will wow music reps. 

Contact our team today to learn more!

Daniel Klein